Create Realtime Payment Link

You need to create a 'pay link' to receive fiat payments through Ninjapay payment plugin. A pay link contains Payment info added in the dashboard by the merchant(you), capable of accepting payments through the UPI protocol or bank transfers from customers.




  • type : String - Type of link we are generating (1 for payment link, 2 for subscription) (required)

  • title: String - Title of the payment link(required)

  • amount: Number - Amount to be paid (required)

  • allow_partial_payment : Boolean - User can make partial payment to your link

  • single_use : Boolean - Payment is single use or not

  • currency: String - Currency of your amount

  • redirect_url: String - what url will be redirecting after payment success

  • cust_email: String - Pass email of customer

  • cust_full_name: String - Pass name of customer

  • ask_during_payment: string - Link will ask customer details, if you dont pass here

  • only_phone: String - Ask only phone number.

  • phone_code: String - Phone number code of custmer.

  • only_email: String - Phone number of customer without phone code.

  • cust_phone: String - Phone number of customer without phone code

  • only_phone: String - Link will only ask customer's email

  • is_sms: Boolean - You will get SMS alert after payment

  • is_whatsapp: Boolean - You will get message on whatsapp regarding payment

  • is_invoice_generate: Boolean : Invoice generation will be given after payment or not

  • enable_upi_qr: Boolean - Upi link will be coming in response

  • include_order_id_in_redirect: Boolean - order id will be added in redirect url, mus pass redirect url

  • cust_reference_id: String - Id you can pass your custom reference id

  • include_cust_ref_in_payment_link: Boolean -Include customer reference in the payment link

  • cust_thanks_msg: String - Message shown to customer after payment

  • custom_logo_url: String - Your personalise logo

  • custom_pay_text: String :- Text shown to customer during payment

  • tnc: String - Terms and conditions

  • reference_notes: String - Reference note

  • expiry_id: String - Pass Id according to expire time setting

  • webhook : String- Webhook url on which you want to send payment link updates

  • reference_order_id: String- User side order id to attach to orders.

  • allow_tips: Boolean- Tips field show to customer or not.

Other info

  • If no expiry_id is passed then link will be having no expiry date

  • if include_order_id_in_redirect is passed to true then you need to pass redirection url also

  • If cust_phone is passed, you also need to pass phone_code(country phone number codes) .

  • We can only pass max 1 lakh amount If allow_partial_payment is false

Request body

Body (application/json)
    "type": "1",
    "template_id": "null",
    "title": "title of paymeny link",
    "currency": "INR",
    "amount": 1,
    "allow_partial_payment": false,
    "single_use": false,
    "cust_phone": "8302280166",
    "cust_email": "",
    "cust_full_name": "dummy name",
    "ask_during_payment": false,
    "only_phone": false,
    "phone_code": "+91",
    "only_email": false,
    "link_expiry": null,
    "is_sms": false,
    "is_whatsapp": false,
    "is_invoice_generate": false,
    "enable_upi_qr": false,
    "include_order_id_in_redirect": false,
    "cust_reference_id": "",
    "include_cust_ref_in_payment_link": false,
    "redirect_url": "",
    "cust_thanks_msg": "",
    "custom_logo_url": "",
    "custom_pay_text": "",
    "tnc": "",
    "reference_notes": "",
    "expiry_id": null,

Other info

Input options


Type of the payment link-

1 -> payment link 2 -> Subscription link


    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "link_id": "RTLSpvmCCWL5YbgoQIy1uKO", // id of this payment link
        "super_order_id": "FT_RTPL_SOeK5pKhG51kOcMYaNNGTL", 
        "qr_base64": "", // base 64 image of qr if qr customise is been done
        "pay_link": "", // upi link for direct payment
        "expiry_date": "2024-08-06 08:52:11", // expiry of invoice
        "order_id": "FT_RTPL_SOTbKI1uC7uYfGMvDvOAw9" // 
    "message": "Payment link created successful"

Payment Success Response

Upon successful payment, the Ninjapay platform sends the fiat amount to the provided UPI ID and gives a success response to the webhook.

Callback Response

    "STATUS":"",  // 

Code Example

const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'x-api-key': 'API_KEY'
  body: '{"amount":10,"title":"sample_description","reference_order_id":"myperosnalid","webhook":"" }'

fetch('', options)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(response => console.log(response))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

Last updated