Submit UTR for Approval

You need to create a 'pay link' to receive fiat payments through Ninjapay UPI payment gateway. A pay link contains Payment info added in the dashboard by the merchant(you), capable of accepting payments through the UPI protocol or bank transfers from customers.




Body (application/json)
  utr: string; // Add the 12 digit UTR number after successful UPI payment
  payer_info: string; // "phone" or "email" info of the customer paying.
  callback_url?: string; // Your webhook url for getting response on successuful approval.
  extra?: {} // You can add other extra details like customer name, etc.. here. 


  "status": <bool>, // true or false
   "data": {
      "tid": "198A60SO23PN99N7",
  "message": <sting>

Payment Success Response

Upon successful approval, the Ninjapay platform sends the fiat amount to the provided UPI ID and gives a success response to the callback_url.

Callback Response

  "tid": string, // The transaction ID for the successful payment.
  "status": int, // approve(1), decline(2)
  "link_id": int, 
  "utr": string, // The utr number of the transaction added by payer or payment gateway.
  "payer_info": string, // The email or phone added by payer when paying.

Code Example

const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    Authorization: 'API_KEY'
  body: '{"utr":"11H97837829M","payer_info":"","callback_url":""}'

fetch('', options)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(response => console.log(response))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

Last updated