Request a Lightning Network invoice from the UPI provider. The web app provides the payment amount either in satoshis or in INR, and the function returns a BOLT-11 invoice. The function could also optionally provide a price quote in INR.
async function requestLightningInvoice(args: RequestLightningInvoiceArgs): RequestLightningInvoiceResponse;
interface RequestLightningInvoiceArgs {
amountSats?: number; // Optional: The amount to be paid in satoshis
amountInr?: number; // Optional: The amount to be paid in INR
requestQuote?: boolean; // Optional: Whether to request a price quote in INR
interface RequestLightningInvoiceResponse {
invoice: string; // The BOLT-11 invoice for the Lightning Network payment
quote?: number; // Optional: The price quote in INR, if requested
Code Example
try {
const requestArgs = {
amountSats: 100000, // Amount in satoshis to be paid
// Alternatively, specify amount in INR:
// amountInr: 1000,
requestQuote: true // Request a price quote in INR
const response = await webUPI.requestLightningInvoice(requestArgs);
console.log(response.invoice); // BOLT-11 invoice
if (response.quote) {
console.log(response.quote); // Price quote in INR, if requested
} catch (error) {
// Request failed
In this version of the function, the amount to be paid can be specified either in satoshis or in INR, but not both. The UPI provider will then generate a Lightning Network invoice for that amount. The specifics of the implementation would again depend on the particular UPI app and the exchange rate used.